What is "The Right Time?"
This question came up again after a mishmash of decisions made and yet to be made have stacked themselves up on my table. Between that and upcoming exams and reports to be completed, I've simply come up with a short time frame to do every thing and hope for something good to come out of it.
Yet, there still is that question of when the right time actually is. Does anyone really know?
For the most part, I think it has been mostly used as a convenient excuse for not doing something. Like a what one says to a lover pining for one's affections but maybe there is just a better guy/girl out there, thus the jilting-the-lover excuse, "It's not the right time," and eloquently put to music by the Eraserheads (Pare Ko). One disregards the effort, weighted decisions, and sacrifice for that certain, or isn't it uncertain, time.
I've heard it used in other aspects of life, like careers (Oh, it's the right time for him to take that job.), and life moments (Oh, it's just about the right time for them to finally move in together), but that's AFTER things happen. Why not know the right time before we decide? Why not know it beforehand, because, I sure wouldn't want to be the one to wake up one morning and realize that the right time to read that chapter on heart failure was yesterday.
I've lived the most part of my existence with time-bound goals like a four-year high school, a five-year college course and the next years of medical school and slowly towards a medical career, but for the other parts, it has never been about a right time, but rather about right moments.
A man shouldn't propose to the woman of his dreams because the time is right, but rather because he feels the love they feel is right.
One shouldn't choose to go into medicine because it's just about the right time to go into an honorable career path, but rather it's because one decides its the right fit for him as a profession. (And quite frankly, if time is what you're worried about, it isn't medicine you want to go into).
The right time, doesn't exist.
The right people do. The right moments do.
And they count more than the seconds on that clock.
what's this about?? PM me. hehe!
Haha, there you go overanalyzing things. Haha. It's just about decisions in the career, exams coming up, reports due and the whole shebang. Hahaha.
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